Explore, Learn, Grow as we help you to learn about the future of money

Join Us in Melbourne, Australia or Online! We are offering 5 comprehensive lessons, which you may purchase individually or in a bundle. We also offer one on one coaching which will help you with putting the knwledge you have gained in the lessons into practice. the lessons will help you to understand all about how to use,store and invest in cryptocurrencies, as well as showing you the best practice when it comes to leaving your crypto assets to your beneficiaries. Whether you're local or a long-distance student, our courses offer comprehensive insights into cryptocurrency, the world's fastest-growing technology. Start your next adventure with us today!

Unlock the World of Cryptocurrency with Your Crypto Advocate

Join in our course and dive into the exciting world of cryptocurrency. Learn from experts, gain practical skills, and stay ahead in the digital currency game. Enroll now!

Learn about the fastest growing technology in terms of adoption and innovation and take advantage of unmatched investing and financial freedom options. With the help of our training, you will be able to have full custody of your assets, facilitating trustless, peerless and anonymus transactions and advancing financial inclusion. Invest in cryptocurrencies and take advantage of their tremendous growth potential, as you will be getting set in early.

By signing up for our course, you'll get the know-how you need to succeed in the ever-changing cryptocurrency market and put yourself at the forefront of both technological and financial innovation. Come along and help shape the future of your finances.

Sunset over a Texan golf course

Our services

Happy black females student during a class in lecture hall looking at camera.

learn all about cryptocurrency

Unlock the potential of your financial future by learning all about cryptocuurrencies, how to use them and invest in them. Become an early adopter of  one of the fastest growing technologies the world has ever seen.

One on one coaching

One on one coaching

Learn the practical side of cryptocurrencey use and gain confidence in navigating the future of the financial system.

Pricing table

Learning educate, study knowledge to creative thinking idea and problem solving solution, E-learning online education course degree certificate

Course lessons can be purchased one at a time for


Per lesson

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Ideal for students that do not want to commit to paying for 5 lessons at once.



computer, notebook and pen and coffee cup

Purchase all 5 lessons


All 5 lessons

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Perfect for those who want a comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrencies.

Beginner friendly




Baby holding index finger of a parent

Purchase all 5 lessons and receive up to 5 hours of one on one coaching


All 5 lessons and up to 5 hours one on one coaching

Buy Now
All-in-one package. Get personal one on one coaching and practical experience in the use of cryptocurrencies.

Expert Instructors

Exclusive Content

Priority Support

One on one coaching

About us

Welcome to our course. We know that learning can feel like a big mountain to climb. That's why we're here to help you, step by step.

At Your crypto advocate, we are passionate about sound money and dedicated to empowering individuals to be able to navigate the world of cryptocurrencies efficiently and safely. Our mission is to educate students on how to effectively use cryptocurrencies and mitigate the risks associated with the failing fiat money system. We believe in the transformative potential of digital currencies and are eager to share our knowledge and expertise with those ready to embrace this financial revolution.

Our approach is personalized and hands-on. We offer one-on-one coaching to ensure that each student receives the attention and guidance they need to succeed. Our experienced instructors tailor their teaching methods to fit individual learning styles, providing comprehensive support and practical insights.

Join us on a journey towards financial independence and stability. With our expert coaching and commitment to sound money principles, you will be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency landscape and secure your financial future. Let Your  cryoto advocate be your trusted partner in this exciting new frontier.

Course FAQs

What types of courses do you offer?

We offer a course including one on one coaching so that you can put what you learn to good practical use.

How can I enroll in a course?

Visit our website, choose an package that suits you and follow the simple enrollment steps. It's quick and easy.

Do you provide course materials?

Yes, all necessary materials are provided online. You can access them anytime during your course.

Reach Out Today

Have questions or need assistance? Use the form to get in touch. We're here to help you with your course inquiries.

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Join Our Crypto Course

Learn crypto basics with experts in Melbourne.